Personal Narrative Analysis

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my way. I was grateful to change because I always experienced more and more and met life long friends. However nothing is comparable to the change I experienced when suddenly waking up in the airplane after my 12 hour flight. Isn't it fascinating how we can wake up across the world suddenly? It seems like a dream but it’s reality, and when you realize that this is no dream you suddenly feel that blood rush and fast pulse pumping through all veins and hitting your head where you can feel the pulse pushing through from the inside of your ears. It’s scary imagining how people will react to someone foreign, people aren't used to the unknown and neither am I. It is all about creating a learning experience to live in the complete unknown. ✱ ✱ ✱ …show more content…

I was with some of my friends and I considered myself very lucky to make these memories and share these with them. There was something about sitting on that stone and mountain. It had this positive energy that made me feel recharged. Even the drive up to the mountain and the music we turned up in the car was one of my most favorite things to do in the afternoons. There was this cold breeze at the top of the mountain that made you shiver sometimes but then the sun warmed you and turned your red cheeks into a soft baby pink color. As someone that grew up in a city in Europe, nature did not seem to be part of me. Austria has a beautiful nature and agriculture but I never felt connected to it. Maybe because I wasn't as involved in the nature aspect as much as people are here. When I sat at the top of Flagstaff I realized that I missed that aspect and I actually really enjoyed it. Taking a hike with my friends in Austria was something I would have never done, we were more likely to meet up in the city center and do random things but here I learned to actually appreciate nature and feel how much energy it can give to me. Boulder has many aspects that are different from Vienna, each place has its own

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