Personal Narrative: A Humorous Person

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I met him when I was fourteen, and instantly had a crush on him. He was tall, and handsome, and swept me off of my feet. I would sit and tell my best friend how cute he was, and how much I wanted to date him, but knew he probably wasn’t interested in me. He was, and still is, way out of my league. I wasn’t pretty, I wasn’t girly, and usually was dirty and covered in engine grease. I didn’t wear cute outfits with heels. I wore dirty jeans with cowboys boots and a t-shirt. But somehow or another, I was wrong. When I made the first move, I was scared out of my mind, but am so glad I took that leap. If I hadn’t, I don’t know what would have became of us. Probably nothing. We had lots of rough patches, and were probably the worst couple on …show more content…

But I love it. It’s just another part of what makes him who he is. He is tall, handsome, and stoic. An absolute heartbreaker, and is insanely charming. I remember the exact moment I fell in love with him. We were texting, and I had a horrible panic attack and was rambling on and on, and instead of telling me to be quiet or saying I was ridiculous, he called me and asked me what my middle name was. He reassured me, and took my mind off of the …show more content…

I don’t think I will ever stop. I hope I never stop. The days without talking to him are the worst, and sometimes I will go back and re-read all of our messages and smile just as wide as I did the first time, just to relieve the memories. He is the light of my world, and is my rock. He keeps me grounded, keeps me on my feet, and stands strong by my side. I have never ever felt scared with or of him. I have always felt safe and protected, like nothing could hurt me. Like he was my protector and my savior. Which, he really is. He saved me from the darkness of depression, and led me into the light of true happiness. He is my hero, and is someone I look up to. Even though he is nearly forty pounds heavier than me, nine inches taller than me, and is way stronger and tougher than me, he is still my ‘Baby’ to me, and would protect him with my life, and would die for

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