Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Fair

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I’ve heard it all before from family and friends, “Martha, you should stop eating this or doing that”. I knew they only meant the best seeing how my blood pressure was through the roof and my ankles and knees were constantly sore. But it was still infuriating how others would make it seem like it was just so simple for me to change the lifestyle I’ve had for the past 35 years. The stress and weight piled up quickly after my messy divorce. I hit rock bottom and didn’t care much about my weight or eating habits that shaped my 5’5” 350 pound frame. However, everything changed after taking my 6 year old daughter to the fair on a Saturday morning about 2 years ago.
For her 6th birthday Susie wanted to go to the fair. I thought it was a great idea especially since I loved all the food there, the great fresh air, and the rides. After stepping in on the fairgrounds I was consumed by the heavenly smell of tacos, burgers, and fried foods. Shortly after arriving we decided on some roller coaster ride that had bright purple carts spinning in circles …show more content…

I pushed the bar handle down but it landed on my stomach and wouldn’t lock. The teenaged boy with a bowl cut running the ride tried pushing the bar down harder while I tried to suck in my stomach but no luck. The boy faced me wearily and commented “um… ma’m… I think you’re too big to fit on the ride”. I could see the others in line staring at me with some snickering among them along with someone saying “Oh look she’s too fat for the ride.” I felt a rush of anger and embarrassment. I didn’t think I had gotten that big, I was stunned. I looked down at a confused Susie who didn’t understand why the bar handle wouldn’t close on the ride. “Is it broken?” she asked me innocently. “No sweetie I think we should try a different ride for today.” I replied. She gave me a pouty face while we exited the ride. Exiting the ride was the worst. It was like the walk of

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