Personal Narrative: A Career In Theatre

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Theatre is able to take an audience captive for hours at a time. It can transport someone without them ever having to leave their seat. Once you step into a theatre, you are able to time travel to any era, witnessing what it was like to live in it. A musical leaves you humming catchy show tunes as you walk away, stepping back into reality. I have always been told that theatre is an escape and for me personally it became that.
Since a young age I have always loved performing. Whenever I was younger, I would put on home performances in my basement. Singing and dancing to my favorite songs, my parents and older sister were the best audience I could ask for. I had never thought about theatre before, sure I heard of all the classic musicals, but …show more content…

I had done several shows by this point, and found a new type of family amongst my musical friends. In seventh grade, I tried out for the infamous all-school musical and made it, again being one of eight chosen. The relationships that I developed during my time in theatre were lifelong. I still keep in contact with many of my fellow cast mates and a lot of them ended up going into theatrical professions. Being in musicals taught me confidence because if I can sing in front of hundreds of people all by myself, I can do anything. It also taught me responsibility, I was responsible for learning lyrics, dance moves and anything else my directors threw at me. I committed myself to theatre and it gave me the best high school experience I could ask …show more content…

Ever since I watched “Joseph”, I was obsessed with the part of Narrator. She got to sing the entire show, wear a cool outfit and had a spectacular voice. Senior year my dream came true, my director picked Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat as the musical we would perform in the spring. My last high school show just happened to be the very first musical I had fallen in love with. What made this experience even more surreal was getting the role of Narrator. I was floored whenever I went to the principal’s office to check the cast list. I already knew all of the lyrics, so I was able to perfect the role. Those two performances I put my entire heart out on the stage. I knew I would never get an experience like that again and I cried my eyes out when the curtain

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