Personal Ministry Work Plan

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Rhonda Allen
April 15, 2015

Have a mentor:
Pastors should seek out a mentor, every member of the body of Christ needs the ministry of the body of Christ, including the pastor. Tripp encourages 1Pastor, make sure you are being pastored the entire time you are pastoring others. Seek out a mature and reliable person with whom you can share your heart. Work to build with that person a sturdy bond of trust. Refuse to live without this kind of person in your life. Meet with this person as frequently as possible. Share your struggles with him and be humble enough to listen when pastorally spoken to.
When the pastor has no accountability to anyone he is laying a foundation for failure …show more content…

3“Preaching is not just a craft of content; it is also a craft of communication. You must meditate, pray, labor, wrestle, and work on how to communicate the truths that you have come to understand to the particular people who are in your care.” (Tripp, 2012, pg147) When we do not take the time to prepare the message we are leading people to believe they are growing in maturity based on the theology of the message, but they are not getting to the meat of the word, they are not going to come to a transforming idea of the message. The message needs to change us first, and in turn the message will bring others to repentance and redemption. We should be able to apply the truths of the gospel to our own lives first. And that can only happen when you take the time needed to prepare for your message. 2 Timothy 2:15 says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The word "study" in this verse does not mean to gain knowledge by reading, etc. It comes from the Greek verb "SPOUDAZO," which means "make exert oneself, endeavor, give difference" (Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon). Studying involves much more than just taking in knowledge. It is about applying that knowledge to your own life before you preach it Sunday …show more content…

4You and I must not become pastors who are all too aware of our positions. We must not give way to protecting and polishing our power and prominence. We must resist feeling privileged, special or in a different category. We must not think of ourselves as deserving or entitled. We must not demand to be treated differently or put on some ministry pedestal. We must not minister from above but from alongside.
When we get to a place in our lives where we think we have arrived and we treat people like they are beneath us, we are not doing ourselves any favors. We are risking our own salvation, as well as those that we are preaching to. There is no room for ego in the ministry, if you go into it thinking you are above everyone else, God will humble you. Isaiah 2:11 states “Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the Lord will be exalted on that day of judgment.” I would rather figure out on my own that I have a pride problem than to have to be humbled by God. We must be open to listening to what others are trying to tell us, even if you think they are wrong, take it to God in humility, and examine your heart. Change what needs to be changed, and watch God do amazing things. Not only will it affect you as a pastor, but it will ultimately begin to change those that you preach

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