Personal Legend Research Paper

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Everything in my life thus far has been part of my personal legend. Since the moment I walked this earth I had one purpose, to be the best I could be. To be the best at anything and everything I set my mind too. As I grew I began to feel a strong pull towards one specific thing, one thing I felt I had to be successful at. That one thing was BMX, since the moment I rode my bike on the track I knew I wanted to be the very best, that I wanted to go to the Olympics. Ever since I have strived for greatness, training, endless hours of pain, i've sacrificed everything, but in the end those sacrifices don’t feel like sacrifices when you're winning national titles. I have never felt such a rush and such a drive for anything in my life, and that is why I feel that this is truly my personal legend, I feel the universe would not set me up for a task this great if it did not think that I had the drive, the patience, and the passion to fulfill my legend. …show more content…

That's a difficult question, in my opinion they're both equally important for their own reason. The journey teaches you, and prepares you for your destination. Along the way you are tested, you face your greatest fears, push your limits, and are forced to make difficult decisions. In my case, and thus far on my journey I have had to make some big decisions, and face some of my biggest fears. I do believe without my journey I couldn't reach my goal, but without my destination my journey would have never begun. Even early in my long journey I have experienced the importance of the journey. The lessons you learn along the way are life changing, truly shaping you into the person you need to be when your final challenge

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