Personal Experience With Domestic Violence

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Surprisingly, I was unaware of my situation. Didn’t realize I was living with domestic violence, until shown the power and control wheel. It made me cry and questioned my relationship! But knowing and acting on it, were two different things. I did seek a better understanding to the topic. Regrettably, it did backfired and was shamed by my family. But having no money, no support system, scared to lose my kids due to lack of not being able to provide for them, made it tough.

The National Coalition Against Domestic define domestic violence as “intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, …show more content…

Emotional abuse is taking the access to power and control. Becoming isolated-the ability not to leave and dependent-unable to be self-sufficiency. Yes, isolation was a big part of my life and in efforts to survive, had to mentally shut down. Even if I saw family no way I would share what was going on. It got to the point, believed I deserved it and allowed to be treated like a dog. After having my second child, I was unable to work. My psychological state took a toll on me.

While between Quinsigamond Community College and Nichols College was able to learn more about the topic, and myself unfortunately the domestic violence had escalated. Luckily, my professor was very understanding, supportive, and encouraged me to seek help. Even though, I regret not taking the advice from Daybreak, to relocate and leave everything behind. The deal breaker of the relocation was my education, had to Nichols College because he knew I was back to school. He had taken so much from me I couldn’t let him take my degree. Might have been a selfish act, and at what cost did I

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