Personal Essay: The Idea Of Responsibility

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The Idea of Responsibility
What exactly is the idea of responsibility? The idea of responsibility is a broad notion that varies from culture to culture and from one age group to another. What a child perceives as being responsible may vary once he becomes an adult, or maybe what I consider to be the norm others see as a great act of responsibility. For such reason I am not going to portray what the exact meaning of responsibility is because that might not be the same for others, but rather focus on what for me it represents and how it molds my life. I’m also going to elaborate on the things that I take seriously when it comes to being a responsible adult, as well as those that depend on me to be that way. Lastly, I would like to discuss what …show more content…

My idea of responsibility goes beyond chores and errands; those I consider to be normal characteristics of adulthood. Responsibility for me is making the tough decisions when our hearts say otherwise. To provide an example I want to talk about a personal situation that like me many can related to and happens on a daily basis. For me work can be frustrating and overwhelming, which is expected, but added on top of that is the hostile environment my supervisor and boss create by being rude and cold hearted. They disrespect us and show little to no remorse for personal situations or problems. In this scenario my heart is telling me to quit and go on to the uncertainty of finding a new job, but then I realize that I have people that depend on me, I remember that bills are coming due and that I do not have the luxury to be unemployed. The way we handle tough decisions and the way we put others before us when making those decisions is what I consider to be the biggest acts of …show more content…

For me my parents are my life. Ever since we migrated from Cuba we have been forced to take on one and sometimes two jobs to be able to provide food on the table. My parents recently bought a house and I help them pay bills and maintain this American dream of ours. It is tough, but their dependency on me being there as a pillar for their economic needs is what makes me responsible for them. At one point in time I was their responsibility. I was a fragile little girl that needed her parents to get by, now I’m a strong hardworking woman that feels the gratitude to provide back what they one day gave me. This brings me to the next point, responsibility is a learned skill rather than an attribute one is born with. The way we are raised plays a major role on the way we turn out to be. Parents imprint traits of responsibility just by asking a simple task of picking up our toys after playing or washing the dishes after eating. These simple tasks teach children to be organized but also to be responsible and do things they despise as a result of their

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