Personal Essay: Music Study

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Bono, a world-known singer and artist for the popular rock band U2, once said, “Music can change the world because it can change people.” When it comes to music, I wouldn’t nearly expect any young adult male in high school to pick music as their first choice in any extracurricular activity. But with the influences of both my parents, and grandparents, and the influx of influence from my friends who were already in choir at that time, I was overwhelmed and indeed persuaded to give choir a shot. Little did I know that halfway through the year, my student director would give me, an individual with little to no singing experience, unique opportunity so many musical individuals covet, a musical solo. My first high school choir singing solo during the Christmas concert turned out to be a nerve racking, yet the proudest moment of my singing career. My student teacher from the synod’s college was with my choir since late October. His name was Mr. Marcus Henning. Mr. Henning was in his fifth year of college studying music, his only last requirements was to be with a …show more content…

Henning had stopped the rehearsal one day, and gathered the choir for an announcement. I didn’t realize it at the time, but Mr. Henning was setting me up for a musical solo for the concert, and little did I know that he was frustrated at the lack of bass support. He had spent countless rehearsals with me trying to get me “concert” ready. I took it as training to help my singing voice, he took it a step further to get me ready for a solo at the concert. Once I realized his announcement in that it was intended for me, I felt as if I was put on the spot. I immediately felt sick to my stomach, and felt a nervous rush all throughout my body. I thought about all the worst possibilities that could happen, What if I can’t remember the words? What if I experience a voice crack in the higher notes? What will my friends think of me? Those thoughts haunted me in the rehearsals leading up to the long awaited

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