Personal Essay: Middle School Reading

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To be honest I am not much of a person who likes to read. Reading hasn’t been like my favorite subject that I enjoy to do. I started to learn to read as I started going to school. Starting in Elementary School I struggled to be able to read and I would just give up because it just seemed to hard to handle. In Middle School the struggle seems to be getting worse as the concept was more advanced. When I got to High School I started to be more focused and get all the help I could get. In Elementary School I started developing the concept of starting to read through learning new vocabulary words and being able to understand what the reading is about. Although being in Elementary school I was excited to learn, but I lacked in school for the difficulty of not being able to comprehend the material. I was born as a spanish speaker and therefore had to learn a whole new language which was English. I remembered being in summer school for the reason of not doing so good in school. I got to admit it was a struggle and suffered from it. Teachers would help me aside to pronounce new words and know the meaning of the words. The more I learned new words and what the words meant I was able to pronounce the words. This …show more content…

In Middle School I was a little more prepared because I was able to learn English. Not as good, but decent enough to be able to understand the language. The material in English covered a lot of reading and understanding what the passages were about. As class assignments picking out a book and reading it was part of it. It was hard having to choose a book in which my interest wasn’t in fact reading, but it had to be done. Reading was mostly spent in school where I did all school work in receiving the proper help to what I needed assistance on. Rarely did I spent time in developing my reading outside of the

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