Perseverance In The Call Of The Wild

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The Tiring Ways Of Perseverance Overcoming and being able to get through exhausting days takes a lot of perseverance. In Call of The Wild, Buck is overworked and has to learn how to get through days with little energy. Not only was Buck overworked, but my mom was extremely exhausted from her first born child, that did not feel the need for sleep. Although my mom wasn’t using as much physical energy as Buck, it still took away from her physical performance in everyday activities because of how worn out she was. While Buck overcame being tired he became physically very strong, my mom became mentally strong from her exhaustion, making them both persevere through the difficult times. In The Call of the Wild, Buck was not cared for like he should’ve been, and was overworked causing him to work through exhaustion. Buck was taken from his home, and went into a new lifestyle of being a sled dog. He had never known what it was like to work from his glorious home on the …show more content…

As my mom was adjusting to a new member in her small, little family, Buck was adjusting to his new job, and the new dogs he’d always work with. Neither of them had any clue what they were doing, but after practice they eventually got through it one way or another. However, it was not easy for Buck or my mother and took all the energy and more out of both of them. From getting zero sleep because of a little baby, and learning new things that cause great exhaustion, they both worked through it to overcome their struggles. As Buck got saved by John Thornton, my mom got saved by her daughter Katie when she finally slept. Before Buck and my mom ever went through their persevering moments, neither of them could ever imagine going through something like what they did. It took extreme amounts of effort, strength, and perseverance to be able to overcome the new lives they

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