Perseus Killed Medusa Analysis

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in his shield. He killed her by cutting her hideous head off . He was able to defeat her with the help of some of the gods. Minerva gave him a bronze shield and warned him that he would be turned to stone if he looked at her directly in the face. Mercury gave him the sword that he used to decapitate her. There are a couple of ways that I can emotionally relate to this painting of Medusa. The reason that Perseus killed Medusa was to save his mother. I could understand him doing that because if the only way that I could save a family member or someone I love is to cut off the head of Medusa, then I would not have a problem doing that. It was definitely a very difficult and scary thing for him to do and it would be difficult and scary for me as well. However, if I had to put myself in danger in order to save a family member or someone that I love, I would do it. …show more content…

Some explanations actually see Perseus and Medusa as being symbolic. Some claim that Perseus symbolized the reason and good in our souls and that Medusa symbolized the bad and evil desires that transform reason and wisdom to stone in people. They say that she was very ungodly. Because of that she served as a warning against people misusing the gifts that God graciously gives us or dishonoring God by our pride. Medusa was very proud of her beauty and especially her hair. As is explained in the myth, her hair got turned into snakes and she would turn anyone to stone

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