Perseus Epic Hero Essay

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The glorious mineral, salt, adds flavor to our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Salt is something something we need and want. An epic hero is like salt. We need epic heroes. Mythology is a set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with a particular group or the history of an event. In Mythology by Edith Hamilton many gods perform acts or deeds that contribute to his/her society. One of the gods we meet goes by the name Perseus. Perseus was the slayer of Medusa. He is known as one of the greatest Greek gods of all time. The Greek god, Perseus, demonstrates that he is an epic hero by possessing qualities, fighting for his people, and being aware of his morality.

To be valor means to have great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. Military prowess means to have great ability in fighting. Perseus also possess loyalty, generosity, and honor. Just as you should acquire some of …show more content…

Just as your mom never shrinks from her duties, Perseus didn't shrink from his duties either. Perseus knew that killing medusa was going to be tough and could result in death. Perseus was bound to kill Medusa for Polydectes. The narrator describes him as being bound because he was angry about the situation, “It seemed that Perseus had been led by his angry pride into making an empty boast”(Hamilton 117). Perseus continued to work and accomplish on killing Medusa. Perseus was safe! Even with the treat of dying, Perseus was driven to protect his people. This is one of the many traits that makes Perseus an Epic Hero.

Perseus fights for his people and shows that he posses epic hero qualities by killing Medusa. Perseus loved his society so he risked his life for them. Perseus is an epic hero by possessing qualities, fighting for his people, and being aware of his own mortality. Observe the people in your life. Little do you know, you may lay your eyes on an epic hero

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