Persepolis Research Paper

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The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the cultural differences displayed in the novel Persepolis and modern world. In the novel, author Marjane Setrapi vividly describes the events of her childhood during the Iranian Revolution and communicates about the difficulties that Iran endured. Throughout the novel, the veil is one of the most significant portrayed symbols that represents Iranian culture. When the Iranian Revolution first began taking place in the 1980’s, the leaders of the revolution made it mandatory for all women to wear a veil. Regardless of the political and social norms during that time period, Setrapi found the veil to be dehumanizing and repressive. The Western world on the other hand is portrayed trough more materialistic items such as rock music, popular merchandise, and Nike outwear. For Setrapi, wearing these items represents more than just fitting in; this represents entailing freedom. Incorporating Western and mandatory Iranian clothing can also represent how influential various cultures are. The clash of both cultures can be seen as Setrapi needing to establish an identity and possibly rebelling. Another

popular symbol in the novel is the cigarette that the author smokes. In Setrapi’s words the cigarette represents …show more content…

As she matures, the author has a revelation that the possibility of feeling both positive and negative emotions towards her culture is possible. American and British cultural influence is prominent throughout the book, but Iranian pride is not visible until Setrapi ages. Nationalism can overthrow a leader but it can also create one. It is almost impossible for the citizens of Iran to be patriotic when the policies of the country are so unreasonable. Even today, it is very difficult for some nations to express patriotism due to ridiculous circumstances. In some communist nations such as North Korea and China, nationalism is forced upon the

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