Persepolis Education

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Education is a large part of any society around the world. It doesn’t matter whether it’s about books or numbers, or whether it is just learning a local village trade. Education is needed to help form and grow a child’s mind, and to help expand and reteach an adult’s perspective. In Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel Persepolis, education is a significant theme, it is a common hostile topic throughout the novel. Often it’s the reason for disputes and problems not only for Satrapi herself, but also the whole of her country. At the beginning of the novel, we learn that Marjane has been attending a French, non-religious, co-educational school until the year 1980. Then the Cultural Revolution came, with their reform-minded educational ideals. It …show more content…

In the Islamic Revolution, education was seen as unnecessary luxury. Through the limited education Marjane had she was able to realise that faults of the Iranian government towards their society. It was because of her questioning nature that she was able to separate herself from the crowd mentality and form her own ideas. Which was something that the Islamic government was trying desperately to diminish. The government made it a priority to lower the importance of education, when the war was at its strongest school was often cancelled. This was not a big issue with them, because this way they didn’t have to worry about what was being taught. Children would therefore only have access to controlled media, and only be able to view what the government wanted. The graphic novel Persepolis, highlighted the importance of education and its effect on forming personal opinions. This was something that the Islamic government was afraid of, and tried desperately to control. Satrapi conveyed how education helped her and her family through rough times during the war. It was an escape from what they were surrounded in, and it was often the topic of conversation. Satrapi was constantly trying to learn new things, and all of her family members were happy to

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