Persepolis Coming Of Age Essay

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The novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi goes in depth about the Islamic Revolution and what occurred during that time period. Marjane is telling her childhood and what impacted her for the better and the worst. Many believe that the main factor of Marji’s coming of age was the relationship with her father, but it was really the western influence of culture on her . The western music and style was the most influential factor in Marji's life because it provided an outlet for her to rebel. Marji didn’t like how the government imposed restrictions on Iranian citizens especially young women . As a young child Marji was told to wear the veil , and was confused on why she had to go from wearing normal clothes to wearing clothes that were uncomfortable and that looked foolish. Individuality isn’t expressed in Tehran especially for women. Wearing the veil became obligatory in Tehran in 1980. As seen in the beginning of the book the girls can’t be identified because they all her wearing the veil. Thus showing that individuality wasn’t present. Marji goes on to say that she was so “rebellious” when she was younger because all …show more content…

She wanted to be different from everyone else. It gave Marji the chance to be herself and open up to a new experience that was restricted to her and her fellow friends for years. One day, Marji is in school wearing a bracelet while also wearing the veil and the teacher hollers at her :” What are you doing with that bracelet? Give it to me right now ” (143). Marji accidentally pushed her teacher to the ground, but due to prior altercations the teacher didn’t embrace it as an accident. Her conflicts with the teacher lead to expulsion and with all the problems Marji was having her parents decided to send her to Austria; Tehran at that time wasn’t the best place for a teenager to grow up especially with the laws and the wars that were

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