Persepolis Characters

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Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is a 1977 American science fantasy film written and directed by George Lucas. The Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel about her life during Iranian revolution in Iran and Europe. Both the movie and the novel have their female protagonist but they both are two different personalities. In this essay, I would be examining the roles, and visual presentations, of female characters. Firstly, I would be discussing the role of Marjane Satrapi the female character in the Persepolis. Marjane grows up in Iran during the Iranian revolution period. From childhood Marjane grew up with all the freedom compared to the other children who grew up in her home town. In Marjane house she had the freedom to express her views and thoughts whereas when she goes outside the house she knows she will get in trouble. Even then she never hesitated to express her opinions in school and got in trouble several time and finally she even got expelled from school. Throughout the story, Marjane never lets go of her roots she kept on reminding herself who she is and where she’s from. When her parents sent her to Vienna for …show more content…

She is a young member of Imperial Senate and the leader of Rebel Alliance. She is a strong minded, courageous, sensible and sarcastic person. Princess Leia’s main focus in this movie is to overthrow the empires and save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy. During the time the empires were attacking her ship she was finding a way to hide the secret plan on R2-D2 it explains of how much she cares about her own people and never hesitate to do anything for her own people. She never had any fear facing Darth Vader and his soldiers she fires at them. When she was threatened by Darth and Daine Jir to tell where the secret plan is she gives them the wrong location. Her sarcasm is commendable when Luke came to rescue her and when she was commenting about

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