Persephone Research Paper

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The name comes from novem, "nine". because this had been the ninth month of the early Roman calendar. the Gregorian calendar in 1582 had the months changed November is the eleventh month of the year,reflection and rest. Astrologically much of November is under the sign of Scorpio which is asociated with Death, Transformation and rebirth. In November we start the month with prayers for our continued good health. We store food that will help us to survive the harsh winter months ahead. Persephone is the Greek Goddess of the underworld she has a dark side it is said at this time she is in her depressed state and misses her mother until later it is said that she really likes to be in the underworld. And then her lighter side it is …show more content…

She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Persephone was abducted by her uncle Hades on the word of Zeus telling him he could. Hades took her to the underworld and raped her making her his bride. Hades is the God-king of the underworld and Persephone's uncle. Persephone is said to have a younger counterpart to herself Kore another name for young Persephone being the maiden, Persephone the mature woman and Hecate the wise crone. The myth goes something like this young Kore was out picking flowers and there was one away from the others and it was calling to her so to speak she went to pluck it from the ground and the ground opened up and out came Hades to grab her and take her to the underworld to be his bride and the Queen of the dark underworld. Kore and Demeter was very close Persephone was allowed to rejoin her mother who had arranged for her to come home however Persephone had to return to the underworld each fall because she ate from the pomegranate. Within herself the goddess contains the whole cycle of life. From birth to death to rebirth. When the earth is cold and dead Persephone is in the underworld but when she returns above it …show more content…

Yellow to a golden orange variety, it to is macrocrystalline quartz (silicon dioxide) and it to is one of the most popular gemstone. The name came from a French word citron meaning Lemon. It is very rare and it is the most valuable. Heat treated, it exhibits a reddish tint. Si02, Silicon dioxide with colloidal iron hydrates. You can find Citrine all around the world, Brazil is the biggest supplier. Argentina, Bolivia France, Madagascar, Myanmar (Burma) Namibia, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Uruguay and Zambia. Citrine was used in breastplates for the High Priest, the ancient times was carried for protection against the plague, skin problems, snake bites. Cuts maximize color or dispersion, Fancy cuts such as scissor cuts or Portuguese cuts are quite popular. The color is said to radiate positive energy, also known as the success stone, promoting prosperity and abundance. Earning the nickname Merchant's Stone. A lot of businesses keep the stone in their cash register for good fortune. Generate stability in life, general protection, helps to relieve depression, anger, irrational moods. It is the birthstone for November, the official 13th wedding anniversary stone, Citrine clusters and towers are very

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