Permissive Parenting Case Study

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From the 1960s to now parents have started to peruse permissive parenting as a teaching style for their children. Nowadays, children have too much power given to them and have little to no understanding of right from wrong. Permissive parenting is a parenting style that fosters a loving friendship with their children but at the expense of giving the children too much freedom. Too much freedom can hurt the child due to no sense of protection from the parent. As a result of permissive parenting, the children are always waiting for an award after doing something little like cleaning their bedroom. Permissive parenting often means a reward for the children no matter how hard they work with little regard to the effects it can have on the children. …show more content…

This results in low achievement rates in many areas and the children have nothing to strive for (Cherry, 2017). Regardless of the success and achievements of their children, permissive parents will reward their child. A study conducted by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran concluded that there there is a significant relationship between an authoritarian parenting style and academic success (Zahedani, 2016). This study clearly demonstrates that the permissive parenting style has a lower academic success rate. To conclude the study anything below 0.05 is significant. The relationship between permissive parenting style and the student educational success shows that it is not statistically significant (p=0.36). The relationship between authoritarian parenting style and educational success shows that there is a significant negative relationship between the parents. The relationship between authoritarian parenting style and student educational success (p=0.03) Children under an Authoritarian parenting style are generally higher achievers but are not as happy. On the other hand Children under a permissive parenting style have lower achievements due to low expectations and are generally more happy (Cherry, 2017). However, there are positives and negatives to each style of parenting and each come with sacrifices. One can achieve more and the other can have a more happy

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