Perks Of Being A Wallflower Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Charlie’s Posttraumatic Stress Disorder The character, Charlie, from “Perks of Being a Wallflower” faced a lot of trauma during his life just before high school. From many different ages, he had to overcome some very difficult and scarring experiences. Because of these experiences, he becomes very introverted and has trouble opening up to people. He keeps everything bottled up until something puts him over the edge and he lashes out. For Charlie, one bad thing happens after another and he has to deal with all this sadness inside of him. Charlie should be diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder because due to his aunt molesting him, he was never the same. Charlie’s favorite person in the world was his Aunt Helen and when she died in a …show more content…

He was involved in a fight defending his friend and always tries to do the right things, but sometimes they do not always have the best outcome for Charlie. He does not remember the fight because he completely blacks out, but it is after this fight it is when he begins to, as he puts it, “starting to get bad again.” Finally, when all of his friends leave for college, he has a flashback of all the bad things that he has not talked about with anyone else. And this long flashback, makes him attempt suicide. If a Charlie was a real psychiatric patient, he would diagnose with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Throughout the movie, Charlie experiences flashbacks of what he once thought was a dream of his Aunt Helen and him alone, the night his aunt died, and other scenes that show how much anger and sadness he is building …show more content…

They must have exposure to a serious injury, witnessing a death, or sexual violence. Charlie has personally experienced the traumatic event of his Aunt Helen molesting him as a child. “He avoided situations in which he had to discuss the trauma. He experienced alterations in cognition and mood including an inability to remember aspects of the trauma and negative beliefs about himself related to his aunt’s death and feelings of detachment from others” (McGuire). The patient has recurring memories associated or from the traumatic event. Constantly, in the movie Charlie has flashbacks. Also the patient avoids the stimuli associated with the traumatic event. Charlie avoids any physical contact he has with girls, but he does not realize until why. But it is when he went to the hospital to become treated for PTSD is when he finally finds out why he is constantly in a bad mental state. And the reasoning being his aunt molesting him when he was a child. The patient has mood swings that get worse and worse after the traumatic event takes place. Charlie refers to this as “getting bad

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