Periodontal Abscesses Research Paper

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Dental abscesses are one of the most common dental ailments, and they are one of the top three dental emergencies. Periodontal abscesses are just one of the many types of dental abscesses. Periodontal abscesses are bacterial infections confined to areas of the periodontium usually in deep periodontal pockets, but can also be caused by trauma. The infection causes a build up of pus leading to some uncomfortable signs and symptoms. Some which include swelling of the gingiva, throbbing pain, exudate discharge, foul smelling breath, fever and much more. It is important for the dental professional to correctly diagnose the periodontal abscess so that they can provide the correct treatment. Some treatment methods include draining and irrigation of the infection, surgery, extraction of the tooth, systemic or local antibiotics, and biofilm decontamination. Once a periodontal abscess has been treated it is up to the patient to prevent future infections by maintaining good oral care at home and seeking dental cleanings such as scaling and root planing if needed. …show more content…

A dental abscess is a contained infection caused by pathogenic bacteria that forms a space of pus and leads to issues in the periodontium. There are many types of abscesses that can occur in the oral cavity, one of most common being the periodontal abscess. To understand periodontal abscesses its important to know what they are and why they are caused, signs and symptoms, and how they can be

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