Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief Research Paper

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How Percy Jackson and Portal explore similar themes to make the protagonist more relatable Percy Jackson and the lightning thief is a novel written by Rick Riordan published in 2004, and was adapted into a movie, released in 2010. Percy Jackson and the lightning thief focuses on Percy Jackson, a 12 year old boy with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. Percy discovers near the beginning of the story that Greek mythology is all real, and that he is the son of Poseidon, God of the sea and one of the three most powerful gods. Chell, the protagonist of Portal, was a test subject at Aperture science, a fictional laboratory which has been using people as test subjects to test various technologies including a portal gun. Chell spends the majority of the plot fighting against the antagonist Glados, an evil artificial intelligence controlling the tests at Aperture science. It is implied during the plot of Portal that her parents are Cave Johnson, the founder of Aperture Science, and Caroline, Cave’s assistant whose consciousness became Glados. On bring your daughter to work day, a newly created Glados killed most of the employees of Aperture Science, including Cave and Caroline, sparing only few present people, including Chell. Both Percy Jackson and Portal explore the theme of Family through the reveals of the …show more content…

The family of Percy is explained and expanded throughout the plot, to the same effect as in Portal. In both texts, the author/ developer has used this constantly evolving information to make Percy and Chell more relatable. This is due to information being gained the same way in the real world, in that all the information is not given at once, but slowly acquired. This approach to exploring the origins of these characters, means that as they gain information and it changes them, the reader/ player who is experiencing this is changing and growing with the

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