People Can Change

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Nikos Kazantzakis once said that "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." In 2010, I was convicted of a crime, which resulted in a felony charge on my record. It became evident to me that in order for me to have any chance at still accomplishing my goals in life, I must first believe in myself. In order to do this, I had to do something people didn't think was possible. I had to do the one thing that I believed in, and that was change.

In today's society, those with felonies are often discriminated upon because of their mistakes in life. There are those that have made mistakes and do not regret making them. There are also ones that are repeat offenders and have no intentions on changing. Then there are those that may have had clouded judgments and did not know any better. They were simply misguided and as a result, made a mistake in life that they must live with for the rest of their lives. They will have many obstacles that they must overcome, such as finding a job. Many often lose hope because of the strenuous amount of effort required in order to overcome these obstacles. They will often be known as dangerous, untrustworthy, and failures at best. But with hope and faith, they will overcome the obstacles and can live a normal life. I categorize myself as being one whom has made a mistake and is living with it. I try to make the most out of my life and learn from my mistakes. If there is one thing in my life that I can honestly say I believe in, it is change. I believe that anyone can change as long as their heart, mind, and soul is in the right place.

For someone to change, I believe that they must have different relationships, disappointments, successes...

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...s. They start out as an egg, quickly hatching into a larva. They soon after spin a cocoon around themselves. The larva will then change into a pupa. They now have eyes, wings, and legs.
When this pupa is ready to complete its life cycle, it will turn into a fully grown bee. This change, depending on the type of bee, can take up to a month. There can be no bees without change, only larva. This is true for us humans. Our lives are constantly changing and undergoing a similar life cycle, known as metamorphosis. When I look into the mirror, I certainly see no bee, but I do see a young man who is now happy, and also the possibility that if I remain a good productive citizen of society, that one day when I leave this world and my son behind, that he will be able to enjoy a satisfying life and that he will be better off because I changed who I once was.

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