Penny Synthesis Research Paper

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Being the first currency in the United States, dating back to 1787, the penny has been the longest serving currency - thanks to Abe Lincoln. In recent times, the penny has become a useless piece of material due to how costly everything is, the time consumed in making change, and the true objective to facilitate transactions. This is why the penny should be abolished from our society.

Cost. It is what drives the economic market of the world today. Back in the 1950’s, the penny was used for buying an array of smaller items. Stated in Source 3, “ takes nearly a dime today to buy what a penny bought back in 1950.” Furthermore, the world is driven by cost. As known, prices increase everywhere - making it impossible to buy anything with just a penny. Moreover, where do all of the pennies disappear to? Penny heaven? “Two-thirds of them immediately drop out of circulation, into piggy banks… behind chair cushions or at the back of sock drawers next to your old tin-foil ball.” additionally stated in Source 3. Since most of the pennies in circulation cannot be found, what is the point in having them? Exactly, there not a valid reason. As stated earlier, it takes about a dime to buy …show more content…

According to Source 2, it is estimated that an additional 2 to 2.5 seconds is added to each cash transaction, not including the extra 30 to 35 seconds that someone looks for a penny in their pocket. As calculated, 40 seconds in the entire cash transaction is wasted per person. In that 40 seconds, you could have already been in the car, on your way home, instead of making exact change. Furthermore, it is such an agitation to have to go through the realms of your pockets just to find the small coin that is a possible counterfeit. Moreover, it is just amazing that only 23% of the income making households want to abolish the penny, according to Source 4. Could it be because we are in a more technical state where debit and credit

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