Pen Argyl Area High School Dress Code Essay

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It has been recognizable that the administration and school board are trying all they can to make Pen Argyl Area High School a place people would like coming to. However, there have been some controversies going around the last couple of years. One of the biggest controversies have been the dress code that the school board has come up with. There have been many changes to the things students can and can not wear over the past four years. Students must adhere to a very strict dress code, and if they do not, they will have to face consequences. Students and other members of the school district area have seen some flaws in this. The Pen Argyl Area School District dress code should be less strict because it is gender biased, fewer people will get in trouble, and it will benefit students and parents. The dress code is not very gender friendly, and the dress code sheet can prove it. Altogether on the “NO” side, there are twelve things. Out of those twelve, seven are gender neutral, one pertains to boys, and five relates to girls. On behalf of the school community, that is just not fair. Explicitly stated on the …show more content…

However, in college, there is no dress code, students are allowed to express themselves. So why are students being restricted for being them? Junior, Arielle Heisler, said “I feel that some people aren't able to express themselves and it's always only directed towards girls and not the guys.” There should not be students in a school who feel that they can not be true to who they are. There was a survey of forty three people: twenty girls, twenty guys, and three parents. They were all asked the same question: “Do you think dress code should be less strict?” Out of those forty people, thirty eight said yes, and five said no. It is time to take a stand against the dress code and make it accordingly to both genders, so less people get bad reputations, and to make life easier for all parents and

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