Peer Pressure Essay

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Peer pressure is essential for self-development as it causes the person to be more aware of their mistakes. Peer pressure is when an individual is affected by the actions of their peers, pressuring them to do the same action. It could be anything from smoking, sex, or anything they may not believe they are ready for. Once decisions are made there is no way to undo what has already been said or done even if they are not mistakes. Peers have a way of influencing what type of person someone is and how they develop into a certain character. Peer pressure allows people to build their character by knowing if the decisions someone pressure them to do is the right one. Peers may suggest to do certain things that a person may not be interested in or ready for. The person being pressured should be one step ahead and do what they think is right and ignore what their peers may pressure them on. That is not always the case and someone may think they are obligated to do something they don’t want to do. For instance, if a teen boy is still a virgin he may feel pressured to have sex if his friends have all had coitus. He may let go of what he thinks is …show more content…

When a person realizes that they have made a mistake typically they try their best not to do it again. When the situation is large enough they may evaluate their life style choices and try to change what they don’t want as a characteristic of themselves. Peer pressure can mold a person into someone different and could end up either good or bad. If the same teen boy believes that he has made a mistake in losing his virginity just because his friends have, it may change his personality mentally. Assuming that the teen boy is an optimist he may realize it was a mistake to have sexual relations with a random girl and better himself by not doing something simply because his friends are doing

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