Pediatric Thoracic Surgeon Scholarship Essay

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The opportunity to receive this scholarship would allow myself to further my education because going to college is something i’ve always planned to do since I was little. As of right now, I will be the first to attend college since before my grandparents. To have this opportunity and chance would really mean a lot to not only myself, but my family. Due to financial needs, this scholarship will give myself the head start I need when it comes to paying for tuition. Consequently, neither one of my parents can afford to put me through college, therefore I will need to work my way through school to pay for tuition. As of now, I work around 4-6 days a week, volunteer/job shadow at the hospital 2 days a week, and attend school full time 5 days a week. School is most important to me, and I know im draining myself …show more content…

When I was 13, I moved in with my grandparents to help take care of family members including both my grandpa and grandma. I realized at that moment exactly what I wanted to pursue my life in: the medical field. My goal as of right now is to become a Pediatric Thoracic Surgeon. Eventually, I will be job shadowing in the surgical unit at cox hospital located in Branson, Missouri, and by that time I will know for sure if that’s what I want to pursue. After taking care of 4 family members (still to this date I take care of my grandma) I knew the medical field is where I wanted to be. It is a perfect place for myself, and I know it would be a field i’d enjoy going into. I do have a back up plan if I choose not to become a surgeon. Any doctor, pediatrician, surgeon, and physician assistant requires 8+ years of college. Knowing that I have a long road ahead of myself and not enough money to pay for college, this scholarship will definitely save me some money, and will be used to pursue my dreams. Receiving this scholarship would really benefit me and I would appreciate it more than words can

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