Pedagogy In The 21st Century

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Before I started this university course I had no idea how hard it is to be a teacher. I thought teaching was about imparting knowledge of the syllabus to students. I now see the tremendous amount of work teachers put in everyday, going far beyond just curriculum content. It takes a very dedicated lifelong learner who is passionate about making a difference in the lives of children to become a teacher. Teaching presents many challenges and complexities. To ensure students receive high quality education they deserve, Teachers must meet the National Standards and requirements and constantly reflect upon their practice to improve. Schools in the 21st Century have a large diversity of students with different background and status. As professionals, …show more content…

The importance of pedagogy is asserted by Anderson (2005) through “Pedagogy affects students’ lives and expectations… Defines us as professionals”. (p53) A complexity about pedagogy is there is no one pedagogy, everyone can chose their own based on a number of influences. Context has a large influence of the pedagogy of a primary school teacher as geographical setting of the school, the cultural background of the students, the past experiences of the teacher and their own pedagogical content knowledge all affect the way they teach their classroom. Another layer of complexity to pedagogy is the number of different pedagogical practices teachers have knowledge of that can question their pedagogy. Technological pedagogies, productive pedagogies, instructional pedagogies and theories such as Piaget’s ‘Stages of Development’ theory are just a few of the many pedagogical approaches that teachers can consider (Godinho, 2013). Nadine Slingsby, a primary school teacher mentions that her pedagogy is “Evolving as I learn more and continue to learn”. Society is changing; traditional teaching methods are becoming more obsolete with technology and proactive and game based lesson planning approaches being incorporated into teaching. While Nadine embraces her new learning and its impact on her pedagogy, I could see how this …show more content…

I find it to be the hardest concept to understand in terms of complexity as Grundy (1987, 1998) states it is can be considered as both an object and an action. This becomes more complex when it is considered a cultural construction with the values and beliefs of the creators underpinned through the content they want students to learn, whether this is explicit or part of the hidden curriculum. Furthermore, curriculum can be seen as praxis, it is about relationships between students, teachers and subject matter and these connections increase learning. With the various models of curriculum such as Inquiry based and outcome – focused curriculum it can challenging for teachers to make decisions around the curriculum when lesson planning at both micro and macro levels. I had never thought of curriculum as more than the syllabus documents until this unit of work. I now strongly believe that successful learning is facilitated through teachers planning and pedagogical approach as curriculum

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