Pearl Harbor Research Paper

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Pearl Harbor Attack
Pearl Harbor was the first overseas attack on the United states area in which the united states weren’t aware of or even warned about. On December 7th 1941, Japan attack the U.S. Pacific Fleet, at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked at 7:55 am by 2 waves of Japanese aircraft which caused massive destruction to the U.S. territory. With this happening unexpectedly it destroyed four battleships and another four within 2 hours. In addition to this 188 U.S. aircraft were demolish meanwhile just 100 Japanese died during the first attack. Over 2,400 Americans were assassinated along with another 1,200 injured. According to the movie “Pearl Harbor (2001)” a major cause of this attack was because Americans cut of the oil supply which …show more content…

Because of Japan boisterous behavior in Asia the United States decides to make Japan suffer and stop important resources such as oil which the Japanese empire needed tremendously to enlarge their big war machines. Knowing the situation with Japan and other countries, they were never a favorite of the United States, U.S. banged immigration from japan which gives japan more reason to destroy the United States Pacific Fleet that has been move to Pearl Harbor recently by the States President Roosevelt. The navy Pacific Fleet was accepted in the late 1800’s but accepted their headquarters February 1st 1941 10 months before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The United States starts to see Pearl Harbor as invulnerable after this attack. Having such a large Navy unit was an eye opening away from Japan was of major concern. If the Empire of Japan decides to take further actions down south, the United States will surely come to protect their allies and destroy the Japanese. Nevertheless, the only option for the Japanese was to destroy the Pacific Fleet of the United States so that they would have power over the pacific waters and focus more down south where there was less struggle from the United …show more content…

November 26th, the Japanese’s sailed a navy force of six loaded aircraft carriers, the Soryu, Hiryu, Akagi, Kaga, Zuikaku and Shokak and in charge of these aircraft were two battle ships heading to Pearl Harbor captained by Admiral Chuchi Nagumo. Admiral Yamamoto was the one who planned this attack because he wanted the United States Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor to be neutralized so he can pursue Japans goals in achieving full control. The task force set sail and was to avoid been notice by United States Navy at even cost. It was set that if they had been noticed they should set sail back to Japan immediately. The Japanese learned that the United States most premium possession was their aircrafts carriers and so they were not there the morning they attack them but some carriers were doing training sessions and others where delivering planes to pacific islands. A downfall you could say for the pacific fleet but that didn’t stop japan from attacking on December 8th their time which was December 7th in Hawaii. Radio stations start to past around fake news to make the United States think that the aircraft carriers were heading somewhere else but unfortunately that didn’t

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