Peaceful Resistance In Our Society

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Peaceful resistance such as many important figures in our world pursued such as; Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and others went through are important parts of our society. Peaceful resistance positively affects our societies because, it lets our governments know what we want without blood being shed, lets us come together as one and agree as a whole and shows that there is so much more to disagreeing with somebody than murder and jail time.

I like to tell those around me that it is okay to believe differently as well as question authority in a civilized manner. I do not believe in mass genocides or simply injuring somebody around me because I disagree with their ideologies. Civil disobedience has been around for so long but, there …show more content…

He didn't believe in violence, he had mass congregations of people who simply listened to what he had to say in a respectful manner and tried their best to deal with a horrific time in which segregation was not only existent but, accepted.

Rosa Parks peacefully protested against segregation as well. She was tired of seeing her people (AMERICANS) being treated so unfairly and poorly for something so minimal such as a skin color. She didn't believe she had to sit on a certain bus, go to a certain bathroom or school, just because her skin color was different than others. But the greatest part about Parks' story was that she never lowered herself. Despite of the disgustingness of the time period she had to endure; she never fought, mistreated, or insulted anybody (nevertheless for their skin color).

"A free society" means something a bit different in my eyes. By free I see the ability to say what you want in a respectful manner without being convicted, hurt or killed. I see it as the freedom so many soldiers put their lives on the line for, I see it as the ability to disobey a law without hurting anybody because it is unfair to mankind. I see it as a huge blessing we take for

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