Paul Baumer's Comradehip In All Quiet On The Western Front

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In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, the narrator Paul Baumer has numerous traits that develop in the story, but Comradeship and Gentleman-ness are two traits that stand out among the many in the novel. As Paul ages and goes through tough times with his comrades things begin to evolve for once young Paul. Paul Baumer a young 19-year-old poet who is about to go through the most physically and mentally demanding time in his life, but Comradeship is just one of the many traits that will help him through the most demanding time in his life. Paul is a polite, well-built boy with the urge to fight and get on the front lines. He enlisted with three other classmates from his school Albert Kropp, Muller and Leer. The four men all have a stronger relationship with each other that is unbreakable. …show more content…

Although, throughout the story, the amount of comradeship changes as the men goes through rough and violent times together as comrades. Many times within the story men are wounded or killed. When Paul was in no man’s land the French enemy charges and Paul has to act fast and he gets down into an old shell hole. He buries himself at the bottom in all the muck and filthy water. As he’s lying there a French soldier trips into his hole. Paul has to act fast before the other soldier notices him, at once Paul takes his knife and slits the French soldier’s throat. “ I don’t think at all, I make no decision-I strike madly at home, and feel only how the body suddenly convulses, then becomes limp, and collapses. When I recover myself, my hand is sticky and wet.”(216). This shows how violent the war was and how unaware the men were for the war.

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