Pau Paul's Jealousy In The Bible

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On some level, we all understand or have experienced human jealousy.
In the story of Cain, his jealousy grew until he rose and murdered his brother, Abel (Genesis 4). Joseph’s brothers also exhibited jealousy to the point that they sold him into slavery (Genesis 37). Perhaps the longest running bout of jealousy in the Bible is that of Saul against David in the book of 1 Samuel.
To most of us, jealousy has a negative connotation. But, what about godly jealousy? “How can something seemingly so negative be an attribute of God?” I thought to myself while meditating on 2 Corinthians Ch. 11.

Paul describes himself as “jealous for you with a godly jealousy” in his second letter to the Corinthian church (11:2).

Human jealousy is portrayed as selfish, divisive and bitter. A godly jealousy, on the other hand, as …show more content…

Throughout history, fathers have had the privilege of giving their daughters away in marriage, and this is symbolised today by the father walking his daughter down the aisle at her wedding. Every father longs to be able to present his daughter, having raised her in a careful, nurturing home, as a chaste and lovely virgin to the young man she loves.
Paul’s desire was to present the Corinthian church ‘as a pure virgin’ to Christ. His jealous guard over the purity of the bride of Christ was to preserve their minds in the purity and simplicity of devotion to Christ. His godly jealousy sought to keep the Corinthians from going astray. He was afraid that the influence of deceivers would lead the church astray from their sincere and pure devotion to the Jesus he preached. He encouraged them to live for Christ.
God is passionately jealous for the good of His own people. HE is always closely watching over and protecting us to preserve us for His Kingdom. We need to emulate the godly or divine jealousy of God the Father when it comes to our relationships with our

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