Patrick Henry Tell Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Essay

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“Give me liberty or give me death” was a quote that was said by Patrick Henry. This political slogan we, Americans, use has a different meaning as when it was first said by Henry. It is still used today by many people from all different countries. Patrick Henry had a long history of involvement in the political systems of the English. He was elected into the Virginia House of Burgesses. Henry, soon after election, promoted the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a document that helped to protect the colonial citizens from unfair taxation by the British government. At the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry spoke the famous words in his speech. The goal of his speech was to convince the audience they must enter the Revolutionary War. He spoke about how they were turning their eyes toward injustice, how ignoring how the British treated them, which …show more content…

The crowds even started shouting back “To arms, to arms!” Some even entered the Revolutionary War against the English orders. At the same time, the quote also meant to go out into the war and fight for your freedom. The quote not only led people to join the Revolutionary War, but it also made a statement. Henry said that he would rather die than not have his freedom. Even though some people today claim he was not serious about his statement; there is much evidence that says he was serious. For all that he did and also to try and create equal and just living, shows he was serious in saying he would rather die than not have liberty. The phrase, “Give me liberty or give me death,” has been translated into many different versions worldwide. The American Revolution Federation uses the American translation “Liberty or death,” as its unwritten motto. The national anthem for Uruguay contains a line saying, “Liberty or with glory to die.” Some ROTC training classes and exercises beat of the patriotic drum, which contains his slogan as

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