Passion For Dance Research Paper

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“Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.” When I dance, I am always reminded of this very special quote by Martha Graham, my favorite modern dancer and and one of the most influential choreographers of the 20th century. We all have passions in life that define who we are. These could be playing football, performing in musicals, playing scrabble, or any other activities. My passion is dance. These passions that we have encourage and motivate us throughout all of our endeavors, and we would not be the people that we are today without them.

We would not be at this point today without important people in our lives that both encourage our passions and fill our lives with …show more content…

Practice is essential. When first starting a ballet class, we warm our bodies at the bar to prepare us for center work, similar to a warm up in any other sport. In essence, this has what our school career has been for these past twelve (or more) years. A rehearsal or a warm up for what is yet to come in our lives. Think about the countless hours you have spent studying and laboring over schoolwork. This was not time wasted. Instead, through that work, we have been given the tools to jumpstart our future success. Every step of life from elementary to high school has been preparing us for what is yet to come. This is not the real performance, for we are by no means perfect. Our practice is not over …show more content…

The highlights make a performance worth watching despite the flaws. Remember that things in life are unpredictable and do not always go as planned. Our high points in life, such as being with friends, dancing at prom, graduating today, college graduation, and our careers. We can’t be discouraged by the low points. Those are necessary to truly experience the great times in life.

It has been a joy to spend these four years or more with you all. Thank you for the memories and endless entertainment. Although I am beyond excited to start this next chapter in my life, I will miss all of the times we have had together. I wish all of you luck in your future endeavors and hope for nothing but success for all of you

Never give up on your passions. This is an inspirational poem by Meagan Slack to remind you that you are never alone when you dance:
Dance when no one's looking,
Dance harder when they are
Dance to heal a wound,
Dance to heal a scar
Dance under the

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