Participation Awards Should Be Banned

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Many people do not like participation awards because they can cause a lot more trouble than they are worth. A participation award is an award that everybody who participates will receive an award even if they did not earn it.Participation awards can be controversial for many people. Despite opposition, participation awards should not be given because of two key reasons, less effort, and narcissism. For one thing, less effort stemming from participation awards is currently a rising problem in this economy. To start with, participation awards can and will eradicate internal motivation and the joy of striving to do your best ( Pawlowski 2). Therefore, the kids don't learn the lesson of "try, try again". Additionally, in 2015, a column in the "New York Times" states that nonstop recognition will lead to youth underachieving (Pawlowski 2). This hinders our nation because the youth are the future and if they are being pampered we will be headed for collapse. Also, the more trophies awarded, the more the child minimizes the effort ( Pawlowski 2). This reveals that if a person receives too much, one will become pompous and magniloquent. Indeed, participation awards will lead to bairns that put no effort in life. …show more content…

Initially, a study in 2015 found that children whose parents overvalue them were most like to develop narcissistic traits (Kelly Wallace, CNN). This reveals that participation awards can and will branch negative traits. Furthermore, Anonymous says, "If everyone is special nobody is" (Pawlowski 1). Similarly to life if everyone is treated the same then what is the point of being different. Additionally, if people tell a child they are special it confirms their beliefs, that is not boosting self-esteem that is narcissism (Wallace 2). Therefore, these children become rash and spoiled. Clearly, narcissism is a daily problem in this

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