Parthenon And Pantheon Similarities

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The Parthenon and Pantheon are both important, creative and innovation architectural pieces of structure that have enormous impact and play important role in the lives of people during their time. Both structures come from distinct cultures and time but share some similarities in their overall symbolism and meaning.

The aim of this write up is to consider the style and function of each building as examples of their structure.

It also aims at drawing a comparison and differences between both structures. These will be captured in the details below as their bases of comparisons and similarities.

*Background information:*

The Parthenon was built in ancient Greece and pre-dates the Pantheon by about six centuries; it was built …show more content…


The column of the Parthenon is larger in size and each is a piece of stone. Also the floor of the Parthenon are of Doric column this represents a style of architecture and implies that, there are some designs on the top called triglyphs and metopes.

Light is let in between column.

The column of the Pantheon is of the Corinthian order (more fanciful). It is toppled with a dome; with granite imported from Egypt a symbol of their dominance on Egypt. Concrete was also used. Granite was mostly used for the column while concrete was used for the floor and most part of the building. Light comes from the hole in the middle of the roof.


Both structures are ancient buildings and were used as temples for gods.

Both uses column and geometrical structures; the Parthenon used rectangle while the Pantheon used a sphere.

The interior of both are made of bronze.


The Parthenon and Pantheon are well known structures during their time. The Parthenon is an epitome of the Greek's magnificent architecture and the Pantheon shows how the Roman architecture is both similar and different to that of the

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