Parenting styles

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Diana Baumrind’s Three Common Parenting Styles During Diana Baumrind’s research as a developmental psychologist, she concluded that parents fall under three different styles of parenting: Authoritarian, Permissive, and Authoritative. Baumrind’s styles were based on how one disciplines and nurtures their child (Cherry, n.d., p. 1). Authoritarian parents make discipline the highest priority when raising their children. They do not see any grey area about discipline (Belsky, 2013, p. 205). Rules, and enforcement of rules, are never left up to discussion. Whatever the parent says must go and the child is expected to fully comply. The standards they have set must be lived up to without any exceptions (Cherry, n.d., p. 1). Because the parents are not focused on the child’s emotional needs the parents are often viewed as not very warm and loving (Belsky, 2013, p.205). Permissive parenting is the antithesis of Authoritarian parents. Belsky (2013) stated that permissive parents do not lay down strict rules or discipline. There are not high expectations of how a child should behave or perform. The parents focus is not on rules or reprimanding, but on the child’s own wants and happiness. The parents’ main focus is on nurturing the child’s emotional needs (p.205). In the Authoritative parenting style there are definitely rules and ideas of how the child should behave, but the parents take a more diplomatic approach to parenting. Nothing is ever set in stone and parents negotiate freely with their children about the rules and repercussions. Unlike the Authoritarian style of parenting, these parents have a balance of “both nurturing” and discipline. Parents still have expectations about their children, but understand that they ... ... middle of paper ... ...esistant to rules set by strict teachers. Because I didn’t grow up with rules, I didn’t understand or respect the purpose of these regulations. To me it all seemed gratuitous. As a reaction to my teenage rebellion, my parents attempted to lay down some rules. By this time though, it was too-little-too-late. As a parent I would use the Authoritative parenting style. The authoritative style stresses the importance of flexibility and one’s freedom. I feel that this style is the most fair, and shows more respect for a child as a human being. I don’t like the idea of my children fearing me because of harsh punishment. As an authoritative parent, I would encourage my child to understand that there are reasons behind rules and that they are not just obligatory. The Authoritative parenting style builds a foundation for communication, empathy, and mutual respect.

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