Parenting In Contemporary Society

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There are many concepts that were introduced by Turner and Welch in, Parenting in Contemporary Society. While some concepts I learned previously to this course, a few were new to me. It is always good to learn new concepts and expand your knowledge. Doing so can better help you in new life experiences or your career. A few specific concepts became of interest to me that I have since further explored. I will be discussing the family projection process, the child-free by choice trend, the dilution hypothesis, and co-parenting. The family projection process and dilution hypothesis are both newly learned concepts for me. The concepts child-free by choice and co-parenting apply to my own experiences and interests. The family projection process …show more content…

I wanted to reflect on this because it is something I have been struggling with. I love spending time with kids they can be so much fun. I also find that when they are infants they give you a kind of fuzzy in love feeling because you see them as such a beautiful miracle. These are positive beautiful things but I tend to look at the reality of it. You do not get a sufficient amount of sleep, you are responsible for a human life, and your lifestyle as a non-parent will change dramatically. These are factors that make parenting unappealing to me. I feel terrified at the thought of bringing a human into the world where there are already so many people and bad things happening. I love sleep so much and am afraid I will end up being miserable or regret being a parent. There are times when it is hard to just take care of myself. I do not want to worry about someone else let alone a helpless child. I just do not think I have same the emotional maternal thoughts and feelings that most women have when thinking of starting their own family. When I think of children I see myself helping others. I think of how many children are in the foster care system and have no home. Children in the foster care system have no one to love them like they deserve, no one to support them, and no one to take care of them giving them the attention they deserve. These children need someone to fight for them …show more content…

Co-parenting is when parents of a child or children work together to provide a supportive environment for one another and their kin. This can include but not be limited too beliefs, values, religion, education, and expected behaviors. Parents join together to support one another in the raising of the child. I have learned through my education and experience that parents working together can be important for a child. It can help promote healthy growth and development. Children are affected by their parents and the environment around them. When a child experiences parents who do not co-parent it can affect their behavior, and development. Children learn from the people that are most important and active in their lives. They learn by observing and imitating. This is why it is important for children to see their parents working together. It is also important to co-parent in order for the child to understand what is mutually expected of them by the parents. If a child is experiencing two different sets of parenting rules and styles, it can cause confusion. This confusion can hurt the child which in return may cause them to act out. Children depend on consistency and structure. They need this in order to develop and explore the world around them safely and without hesitation. There are many ways a child can be affected by parents who do not co-parent. Children should

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