Paradise Of The Blind Literary Analysis

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Family is a very important part of daily life in both books. Although both are set in a Communist era a common theme was that Communism did not help them the way they needed. This caused both families, in the books, to have to look out for themselves. Like selling blood or getting back the land the family once owned. Instead of hoping the Communist Party would provide for them. In Paradise of the Blind Hang’s family plays an important role in shaping her. Tan, her father, is French educated a product of French colonial education system,, but didn’t go to France. Since Tam is French education he is seen as the enemy to the revolution since the teaching contradicts with the Marxist philosophy. French teaching like democratic and capitalist economy …show more content…

Uncle Chinh takes her land away in order for it to be redistributed by the Marxist to non-land holding families. Land reform took and split up the land among peasants. This was done by taking away land form landholders or rich people and redistributing it to peasants that did not own land. However, family spirits were considered to be living in on the land families own. Without the land the family spirits don’t have a home. When Aunt Tam reconstitutes the land the spirits get their land back and their home. Reconstitute the land the spirits get their land back and it is also helping her Aunt Tam ends up leaving the land and other possession to Hang. During the Communist revolution families that owned their own property or had access to property, like landholders, were frowned upon. The Communist Party would want the land to be given up for the betterment of the community to be partitioned out. Hang’s family at one point did give up the land, but when the Communist Party continued to not be very helpful they took it back to help their own needs. Later landholders such as Aunt Tam got their land back and used it as profit again. She does it for Hang so, she can show her the importance of family. Aunt Tam also does it a bit for Hang’s …show more content…

There was also a push to get re-educated in rural areas by doing physical labor and learning rural ways of life. Which Sanguan’s sons later have to go through. The lack of proper precautions taken by the Communist cause his son, Yile, to get sick with hepatitis and almost die. Under the communist people are supposed to get money and have their necessities taken care of, like food and medical expenses, this does not relay happen though. There were lots of food shortages during this time. Many people had to eat gruel because of the lack of food and money. Sanguan’s had to sell his blood in order to feed his family. Work camps were young people were sent to work, were often unsafe places that were not well taken care of. When Yile gets sick he gives blood again in order to pay for the expenses to make him healthy. Reflection of communist rule and Chinese society that is critiqued is that these people are not being paid enough to live properly, and that they government is not providing health care. Cultural Revolution and its aftermath caused many young people to have lost out on an education. Many people died because

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