Paper On Ignorance

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Ignorance is the lack of knowledge or knowing. Being ignorant is being in denial, dumb, oblivious. Choosing to only learn about a certain part of something but not the rest. Being ignorant is to lack the knowledge of something. Ignorance is everywhere. Nobody knows everything there is that the world has to give us. We just know what we know until this point in our lives because we find it or because it is introduced to us by something or someone else. Just because everyone is ignorant does not necessarily mean that we are all dumb. Some people are smarter than others because they are more advanced on certain subjects or topics. Ignorance can be used to manipulate others that are not so knowledgeable of certain topics. It can be used to manipulate …show more content…

Ignorance can definitely be abused by anybody because you can confuse others, or you can manipulate to get something that you want because the other person doesn't have the other piece of information that you have. People often get angry when it comes to ignorance because to most people it means that others have a specific way of thinking, that they are close minded. It is used in everyday life to learn more. Everyday we learn something different. Usually with ignorance in mind it provokes anger because a lot of people today are ignorant in a way where they choose to keep their mindset to keep thinking a certain way rather than changing it to learn something more. It corrupts us by staying on the same level of knowledge, by not letting your brain expand to its capacity with several things that will be necessary one day. It attacks everyone because since everyone is different not everyone will understand you because they were taught differently. It can be prevented by teaching more and being able to want to accept new knowledge in rather than staying stuck. It is a common thing because it’s everywhere. Ignorance is given because there's just so much knowledge so we either mix things up or maybe the way we are raised we are only taught certain parts of

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