Pantheon Essay

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At the top of the rock of the Athenian acropolis there is a monumental marble temple Parthenon, dedicated to Athena Parthenos (ie Virgo) - the patroness of the city. In this monument the famous politician Pericles embodied the idea of triumphant democracy and the unfading glory of Athens. The construction lasted from 447 to 438 BC, but the design work continued for another five years. The head of the work was assigned to the sculptures of Phidias; he also carved most of the ornaments of the Parthenon with his own hands. Consecration of the temple took place in 438 BC. e. during the festival of Panathinae, arranged in honor of the goddess Athena.

Pantheon (other Greek - πάνθειον - temple or place dedicated to all the gods, from the Greek-Greek πάντες - everything and …show more content…

Ordinary Greek and Roman temples are the houses of a deity, access to which for the average person, if not forbidden, is difficult. Only the priest entered freely there. All the others at the time of the religious ceremony were outside. A completely different solution was offered by the architect of the Pantheon. The worshiper was inside, he was surrounded on all sides by a space that is considered sacred. Here already there is another, not ancient understanding of the internal space of the temple. The Pantheon, built in ancient Rome, can be compared only with the forum and the Colosseum by originality of design and significance for architecture. The Romans, who subjugated most of the European peoples, considered it necessary to pay homage to both their own and other gods. It was for this purpose that the construction of the Pantheon was planned - a temple in which there would be images of all the gods. Its construction, preserved to our days, was received in 125 under the leadership of Apollodorus Damascus during the reign of Emperor

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