Pangloss's Use Of Optimism In Candide

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Candide, by Voltaire, is full of philosophers and philosophizing, which only worsens the suffering of the characters, criticizing the social theme of philosophy. Philosophy is portrayed as the antithesis of virtue or an absolute disadvantage and disrespect of faith. Optimism or, a form of positive thinking, is considered a philosophy in which Voltaire continuously satires throughout Candide to express his own feelings of optimistic thoughts and how they are only detrimental to the person being optimistic. “Pangloss gave instruction in metaphysico-theologico-cosmolo-nigology. He proved admirably that there cannot possibly be an effect without a cause and that in this best of all possible worlds the baron’s castle was the most beautiful of all …show more content…

. . Consequently, those who say everything is well are uttering mere stupidities; they should say everything is for the best.” (chapter 1, line 31-42). This is an explanation of Pangloss’s optimistic philosophy. Pangloss's and his student Candide has a dauntless conviction that individuals live in "the most ideal of all universes" which goes under merciless assault by the terrible occasions that they survive. Their conviction extensively takes after the decisions of some of the most compelling rationalists of Voltaire's time. Specifically, the scholar Leibniz broadly keeps up that, following, “the world was made by God, and since the brain of God is the most big-hearted and proficient personality possible, the world must be the best world possible.” Under such a framework, people see underhanded simply because they don't comprehend the power overseeing the world and in this way don't have a clue about that each evil exists just for a more noteworthy great. Candide is generally thought to be Voltaire's mocking counter to Leibniz. In this citation, Voltaire assaults philosophical confidence as well as the weaknesses and mistakes of Enlightenment reasoning. Illumination rationalists, for example, Leibniz centered a lot of consideration on the interchange of circumstances and end

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