Paleolithic Time Essay

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Topic I

Since the early Paleolithic period, civilizations have gone through many changes, including the way in which people find their food and the way they settled and live. This change shifted through the Paleolithic period all the way through the Agrarian Revolution. Changes included civilizations shifting from a nomadic type of people to a settled, farming people in the Agrarian Revolution. These changes took place from about 2.5 million years ago, or the beginning of what is called the Paleolithic Period, all the way to some of the first societies. The main thing that was changed was the way in which people found their food and where they settled. These changes brought forth new techniques and new tools to use. These tools and techniques …show more content…

The Paleolithic Period began 2.5 million years ago. This period is said to have began when the first evidence of tools constructed and used by humans were found. This period is often referred to as the Old Stone Age. It is characterized by the us of stone tools. These were some of the first tools used by humans, mostly used to hunt their food. However, tools such as spears and bones, used after killing an animal, were also used as hunting tools. The Paleolithic Period covers almost 95 % of the human prehistory. This is dated as far back as 3.3 million years ago when stone tools were made to about 6,000 years ago when the first writing system was created. During the Paleolithic Period, groups of people began to stick together. This is what became some of the first tribes. They traveled and hunted in groups of people, instead of just a few traveling together. They often would follow food, including the giant woolly mammoth. Then, “fifteen thousand years ago, Homo sapiens took advantage of land bridges exposed by lowered sea levels and spread to Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia, and, finally, the Americas,” (1). The groups of Hunter-Gatherers usually made houses of wood or hide. They weren’t very large …show more content…

Just like the Paleolithic Period, people began to find new advances in technology. It began close to 11,000 BC and ended in between 4500 to 2500 BC, depending on different parts of the world. The reason that people in the Neolithic Era were able to settle down and stay in one spot was because of the new advances in both the agriculture, such as wheat, barley, and even corn in a few places, and in animal mating, including chickens, cows, and pork. These advances gave the Neolithic people a source of food, so they no longer had to chace large game all over the world. When they were able to stay in one place, the people of the Neolithic Period were able to live much longer lives. They didn’t die from things such as starvation. The people of this period were able to stay with larger groups as well. This made it possible for small communities to stay in one place together. They no longer moved with few people in bands, they lived in groups of much larger people. Housing was much improved during this time. They went from small houses made of fur or mouths of caves to actual houses. They found new housing technology such as brick. These houses were made from mud brick. They were also made from hide still, but wood poles were used to reinforce the brick and hide. Houses were also often made of wood. One of the largest changes during the Neolithic Period was the social, political, and economic

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