Packaging Essay

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According to the literature resources finding, there are two types of packaging functions. The first type is for consumer and the second type is industrial. Consumer packaging functions relate to the consumer’s convenience and appeal, main emphasis is on marketing. Industrial packaging functions focus on the handling convenience and it’s main emphasis is for logistics. In this work, the focus is on consumer packaging functions. In Table 3 the main types of packaging are classified. According to the secondary data resources package types are divided into the following types: consumer package; industrial package; institutional package and military package. Consumer package - from literature sources is used for the types of products which Packaging types are primary secondary and transportation. First packaging level is primary. This type of packaging used with end consumers, and it lead to use the product when consumer have it. For example chocolate packaging which will analysed in empirical part and in this research. Second type of packaging is secondary, this type of packaging need when primary packaging need to fit in shelf. This type of packaging is used as additional packaging to protect product (exg,: small chocolate packaging put in a bigger box and used on shelves) and the last type of packaging is transport, this type of packaging is important to deliver products from manufacture to the supermarket. (Examples of those types of packaging presented in the picture) (author Kalpana R Packaging ) (make new with our example) Elements of packaging attributes The following part is focused on the analysis of the scientific works of different authors in the field of packaging elements. As it was mentioned earlier, product packaging is the container for a product – encompassing the physical appearance of the container and including the design, color, shape, labeling and materials used” (Arens, 1996). There are some categories of packaging elements offered by different authors presented in Table 4. Table 4. Categorization positive and negative impressions such as active, strong, passionate, warm, but on the other hand aggressive, bloody, raging and intense.Warm colors increase active feelings, evoke active emotions Naz Kaya 2004; TOM Clarke, Alan Costall 2007 Orange Warm colors increase active feelings, evoke active emotions TOM Clarke, Alan Costall 2008 Yellow Warm colors increase active feelings, evoke active emotions; easily noticed /attention grabbing signifies happiness, optimism and warmth but also caution yellow and blue could create a cool and calm mood from the blue and draw attention because of the yellow TOM Clarke, Alan Costall 2007; Mr. Mitul M. Deliya & Mr. Bhavesh J. Parmar 2012 blue Liked by both genders. It seen as a trustworthy, peaceful and calm color ; Related to the sky or water. Blue is usually cool and quiet but more electric shades can give a dynamic feel. Gender indifference and being the most common favorite color, the overuse of blue can seem cold or uncaring.gender indifference and being the most common favorite color, the overuse of blue can seem cold or uncaring. It is the designer’s favorite color, but after considering the meaning of other colors, another color may be a better choice Mitul M.

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