PTSD In Children And Adolescents: A Case Study

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PTSD has been increasingly recognized in children and adolescents over the past ten years and is described as a prolonged response of distressing symptoms that can occur following exposure to a traumatic or stressful event that (Saddock, Saddock, & Riuz, 2015). Symptoms are persistent in nature and can include intrusive thoughts or memories of the trauma, avoidance of triggers that may remind one of the traumatic event, reaction of fear and helplessness to the event, depression, anxiety, negative changes in cognitive function and mood, irritability, and hyperarousal (Saddock, et al., 2015). The rates of exposure to traumatic events peak sharply between ages 16 and 20 (Saddock, et al., 2015), with suicide rates climbing to the 2nd leading cause

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