Owl's Rite Of Passage

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Imagine a land ruled by owls with heroes, villains, and legends. This is the type of world that Kathryn Lasky envisioned when she wrote the series Guardians of Ga’Hoole. This series describes the habits and life styles of the nocturnal predators while following a plot of conflict and adventure. Part of the owl’s life style that Lasky focuses on involves the growth of the owlets. An owlet’s growth toward a full-fledged owl is marked by special ceremonies recognizing different milestones. Some examples of these ceremonies are the first flight ceremony and the first prey ceremony. The owlets in these ceremonies undergo their first solo attempts of flight and hunting. Like the owlets, we participate in ceremonies or rituals that show growth in …show more content…

This rite of passage began when Jesse set the goal of attending the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree in 2010. The National Jamboree supplies many high adventure activities, and the trip includes visits to many United States and LDS history sites; however, the cost of such of trip is approximately three thousand dollars. In order to be able to raise the money for the trip, Jesse made a plan to manage his money and time in order to achieve his lofty goal. First, he created a budget and a log to keep track of his income and payments. He also set aside most of his income for his trip, and he thought long and hard about any purchases he had to make. In addition, he advertised his lawn mowing service to the public in order to increase his savings. After two years of hard work, the three-thousand-dollar fee was due. With the help of a generous donation from my parents, my brother was able enjoy a journey of excitement and adventure. As years went by, my younger brother and I have used the same methods to attend the National Jamboree, and my youngest brother is already planning on attending the next Jamboree. From this experience, my brothers and I have learned valuable lessons on budgeting and self-restraint that will help us to be prepared for our financial needs in the …show more content…

This highest honor in Scouting is a significant milestone in my family. One of the final steps to earn the Eagle Rank requires a leadership project. For my Eagle Scout Project, I spent fifty-six hours building rice I-Spy bags for children in Primary Children’s Hospital. I had to coordinate and organize volunteers to cut material, sew, and fill the bags with rice and small items. I also talked to church leaders and workers at Primary Children’s Hospital to receive materials and ideas. In my final project report, I said “Not everything you plan will go well, and that you need to listen to all opinions and have a plan B.” The rank of an Eagle Scout has become an important accomplishment in my family. The award is a sign of hard work, leadership, and

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