Overpopulation And Neuter Animals

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Each year, approximately 6-8 million animals enter shelters in the United States alone after finding themselves without a home (“Why you,” n.d.). This is an extremely large amount of animals that are not wanted and the biggest way you can help is to spay and neuter your pets, and encourage others to do the same. Nationwide there are more than 3-4 million dogs and cats who are healthy and ready for adoption, but are sadly euthanized due to overpopulation (Bushby & Griffin, 2011). No matter how responsible you are as a pet owner, you never know when your dog or cat may sneak out and the only way to be sure you do not contribute to this extreme overpopulation is to spay or neuter your pet (“Why you,” n.d.). There are many reasons aside from overpopulation that neutering is beneficial, including the reduction of behavioral problems and health concerns. …show more content…

If a female dog is spayed before her first heat, it gives a dramatic reduction in the chance of developing mammary tumors (Bushby & Griffin, 2011). There is also the elimination of pyometra, which is a fatal uterine infection, as well as the elimination of uterine cancer (“Why you,” n.d.). Male dogs also get great health benefits from neutering. The main health risk they eliminate is testicular cancer, and it is also though to decrease the incidence of prostate cancer (“Why you,”

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