Overcoming Obstacles In Edgar A. Guest's Poem See It Through

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Throughout life there will always be difficulties that surround the individual. Whether social or personal, there are countless problems that one must learn to face and overcome. Especially as one wishes to advance their dreams, one will realize that many obstacles must be overcome before their dream is achieved. Through a relatable situation, Edgar A. Guest's poem, See it Through, illustrates overcoming these obstacles through the use of figurative language, personification, and other poetic devices. Edgar A. Guest firstly describes how one might stand up and face misfortune by utilizing personification and figurative language. Beginning with the first lines in the poem, Guest encourages his readers to meet "face to face" with the personification …show more content…

In many parts of the poem, Guest uses metaphors to show the strength that one should always keep while facing their troubles. He tells his readers to "Lift your chin and square your shoulders, plant your feet and take a brace" to prepare for whatever could be ahead (lines 2-3). Even through the metaphor "Black may be the clouds above you" which gives a clear perception of difficult and hopeless moments that might be surrounding an individual, it is still better than running since it "will not save you" (lines 8-11). It is throughout the poem that Guest has used many metaphors to remind his readers about the facing the problems that will lie ahead. It is even pointed at points, such as, "You may fail, but fall fighting" to remind the reader that not all problems can be confronted. However, the author suggests that with a person's body language, like standing tall, could become a resolve. With these metaphorical commands, it gives the reader the feeling of a solider or fighter that is preparing to face an enemy. This is also further emphasized from his use of repetition. Guest repeats the figurative phrase, "See it through" to show the reader to overcome the toughest or most hopeless of problems. It is also from this statement that he suggests to go keep going no matter what since in the end it is possible that one can succeed. Becoming the clearest and most encouraging phrase and title of the poem, Guest has made the distinction of his theme to overcome everything that one can in order to achieve the best for one's

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