Overcoming Failure Research Paper

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College Essay I am someone who has experienced failure in my life and has learned from those experiences to become a better person. One obstacle i've gone through was my leap from middle school to high school. When I got to high school I had many things going on in my life, the biggest being depression. I was depressed for a couple different reasons, one being my brother who has Asperger’s was going through a tough time and was also depressed. Also at the time I was struggling with my weight, I was 14 and weighed close to 240 pounds, and honestly felt absolutely awful about myself. I was just not the person I wanted to be. My grades were poor and didnt like the person I saw in the mirror. …show more content…

I was 14 and felt like I shouldn’t be feeling depressed and nowhere to turn. So what I did to try to fix this was devote myself to becoming more physically fit and active. I knew I didn’t want to be this way anymore and started running 3 miles every day 7 days a week. I also cut my calorie intake and the weight just started flying off of me. The first week I lost almost 20 pounds and I felt incredible, I felt like I was on my first step to becoming on who I wanted to be. I stayed with this running and healthy eating and in 4 months and lost an astounding 70 pounds. I couldn't believe I transformed myself in such a short period of time, I really accomplished something

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