Overcoming Cultural And Language Barriers In Canada

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People face various challenges regarding many aspects of life in their day-to-day life and sometimes these challenges or barriers can affect their ability to accomplish certain things. Similarly, many students confront different learning barriers such as physical challenges, peer pressure or emotional issues on a daily basis. In a country like Canada where thousands of immigrants arrive each year, cultural issues can be a great learning barrier. Different cultures present people with different views and interpretation of the world and when two cultures come together, these views can conflict with each other. These conflicts can cause students who are immigrants to struggle when it comes to learning the language, making friends and living up to the expectations of their parents and society. Cultural issues affect mostly the students and we can recognize these barriers in students when they have difficulty in communicating when they have no language in common, which affects their social life as well. Also, if the students feel uncomfortable talking or mingling with students of opposite gender or different religion due to what they grew up with. The issue of cultural or language barrier can lead to behaviours such as prejudice, restrict them access to resources, may make them feel over-stressed (Poputoaia). In addition, they also have a …show more content…

Our school for instance, offers the ESL (English as a Second Language) for these students so that they are able to cross the language barrier and perform well academically. The program familiarizes the students to the English language. We also have the school settlement worker, Questyn Rodriguez, who works with newcomer students and peer leaders who help these students. Furthermore, we have the school peer support team that is always willing to help students who are new to the

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